4cups fresh peaches, peeled, sliced, frozen4 large and 6-7 small and medium
¼cupBuzz Savories local honeyfor optimum flavor
1tsp.fresh lemon juice
1. slip the skins on the peaches. Heat water in a sauce pan to boiling. Turn off the heat under the sauce pan. Drop in a peach and lift it out after approximately 30 seconds. Slip the skin off the peach. Follow the same process with remaining peaches
2. Sslice the peaches in half and remove the pit. place the peach flat side down on a cutting board and slice into 4-6 slices/half depending on the size of the peach.
freeze peaches: Lay sliced peaches on a cookie sheet and freeze for about 3 hours until very firm
2. To make the sorbet: In a small bowl combine the water, milk, honey, lemon juice and salt and stir until the honey is completely incorporated.
3. put frozen peaches into a blender, then pour the liquid mixture over the peaches. Blend for 10-15 seconds until peaches are completely blended and the mixture is thick and creamy.
4. pour into a loaf pan or container for freezing or eat while deliiously soft.