When the lilacs bloom and the robins nest, I prepare to celebrate Mother’s Day with a favorite recipe for Honey Scones with a Rhubarb Compote.
Like a nature-made spring tonic, my body welcomes the Vitamin C, Calcium, and Magnesium that rhubarb brings to the table.
Where do I pull rhubarb (rhubarb is pulled vs. picked), you may ask? I live in a village of 5,000 population. Homes are built in a block design. Houses face the street on every block and an alley is plotted behind the houses and between the avenues. Garbage pick-up, telephone poles and fences line the alleyways, as well as, bushy plants – rhubarb, milkweed, hollyhocks – plants most often listed as undesirable in the impeccable green landscapes surrounding the homes.
I pull my rhubarb fresh from an old/mature rhubarb plant that grows in the alley behind my neighbor’s house. I pull the rhubarb stalks with her permission. The more stalks I pull, the more rhubarb grows from this majestic plant.
The scone recipe is derived from a book published in Great Britain and, a reader will note, the mixing method differs from the usual American technique, adding a bit of fun to the mixing/making of the scones.
A pleasant honey flavor lingers in every bite of scone. The honey flavor is a consideration here; therefore, buy a local honey.
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