Plump, juicy, ruby red plums call to me from the fruit section in our grocery. Yet I do not respond because I don’t love biting into a plum and feeling sticky plum juice drip down my arm and onto my shirt. I like their unique sweet/sour flavor, and I have tried to appreciate them but failed until today.
A recipe for Plum and Honey Fruit Leather arrived from a friend, and the recipe presented an opportunity to experiment with a new method of cooking and hopefully taste the pleasure of plums.
I’ve prepared and made 3 batches of Plum and Honey Fruit Leather, and now it belongs among my treasured recipes. I like the ease of making them – 3 ingredients, 3 steps in the making, and then a long, long slow baking in a 160 Degree oven. The recipe says 6-8 hours. In my experience with the recipe, the time required to dry out the sticky center portion is more like 10 hours. Then cut into strips, roll the strips, place in a covered container and they offer a nutritious and all natural snack for weeks to come.
The Plum and Honey Fruit Leather tastes of the red plum’s sweet/sour flavor without the sticky juices dripping down my arm, and following a moment of chew, the leather melts in my mouth. So good and all natural.
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