Late October, and I feel the chill that brings winter into Nebraska. Autumn leaves drift from the maple trees into knee high piles. I like hearing the crunch as I wade through, and my favorite perfume is a mix of drying leaves from the maples, cherry tree and crab apple. October scenery is painted in auburn, gold, yellow, rust, and ruby red. I shake out my navy blue cable stitched cardigan sweater.
As temperatures cool, I’m baking Sheet Pan Mac and Cheese. I like this recipe for its crunch and rich flavor. I like serving squares of Mac and Cheese versus scoops. The recipe comes together quickly, and the baking takes only 20-25 minutes. Sheet Pan Mac and Cheese compliments my favorite meats and vegetables, and it stands alone with a slice of melon or a ham sandwich.
When baking the Sheet Pan Mac and Cheese, bake only to a light browning in the center and a darker crispy roast on the edges. In my first trial, I over baked, and the product tasted crisp throughout. I prefer a creamy Mac and Cheese in the center of the sheet pan.
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