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Templates and Tools for Charcuterie

Hello, Mustard Mavens,  see December’s Haiku for you…

Spicy Beer Mustard

Triumphs over winter blahs

Celebrate the day

And today I offer you a template for use in creating your holiday Charcuterie Board.  Standard items although not exclusive  to consider arranging on your board are the following:  salami, slices, summer sausage slices, ham slices,  smoked turkey slices, a soft cheese, medium cheese and,  hard cheese, fresh fruit (apple slices), dried fruit (apricots), black olives, pickled beets, pickled red onions (a pickle), crackers, crostini, bread sticks, carrot sticks, cucumber sticks, deviled eggs, pretzels.  And Spicy Beer Mustard to slather on the crostini and top with a slice of salami and a pickled onion or apple slice.

I laminated my cards so I can arrange and rearrange them on the Charcuterie Board in consideration of colors, sizes, shapes, high and low stacks and a sense of abundance that Charcuterie brings to the table. Enjoy the experience, and I will be thinking of you.

Buy Spicy Beer Mustard on and you may easily flip to the Amazon product page by clicking the Amazon button on home page.  Consider buingy the Spicy Beer Mustard – 6 pack too.  Makes a welcome gift for neighbors and friends paired with a roll of your favorite salami or summer sausage.








   Summer Sausage






Black Olives













Fresh Fruit







Cucumber Strips






Bread Sticks

Pickled Beets























Pickled Onions








Fruit Dried