My view from the back porch at 8 a.m., March 2, 2020,

March tortures us who live in the wind with hands in the soil. December, January, and February offer the gleaming, icy wonders of cold. Snow camouflages the broken, brown landscape of too much winter in Nebraska. March melting exposes winter’s damage and adds its own annoyance – abrupt and senseless variations in temperature, precipitation, wind speed and cloud cover.
We watch the sky because it stages a daily drama often breathtaking in its intent to challenge us. I’m weary of it by March and anxious for blue sky and peaceful days in the sun and definitely a change of wardrobe. I want out of corduroy pants and my stretched-out, faded long sleeves t’s and into linen and sandals.
The “soothing remedy” for me in March needs to be low-lift – simple food preparation – and nourishing and a bit salty and creamy with a crunch. See The March Cauliflower Mash recipe below:
Taste the Back Alley Bakery chef’s original and savory recipe at the Back Alley Bakery in Hastings, NE where you may also pick-up jars of Spicy Beery Mustard and Buzz Savories Honey Mustard http://www.backalleybakery.com
My soothing remedy for the “vagaries” of March – The March Cauliflower Mash

I gather sweet, ripe grapefruit, lemons, oranges and limes and avocados, and peel and slice, plate with avocado slices and spritz a section of fresh lime overall then a grind fresh black pepper.

The March Cauliflower Mash Soup with croutons and a Grapefruit/Orange/Avocado salad – A Feast to deter March Madness!
Soup for March - The Cauliflower Mash
Low-Lift (15 minutes) soothing, satisfying and delicious soup
Servings 4
What You'll Need:
- 2 heads cauliflower
- 7 Tb. whipping cream
- 2 Tb. olive oil
- 1 Tb. (scant) Buzz Savories Spicy Beer Mustard
- 1-1/2 cups chicken broth
- 1 tsp. salt
- 10 grinds fresh black pepper
- 40 croutons make or buy croutons as toppings for the soup saute bread cubs in olive oil (?) extra time but quite fine flavor and crunch
- 4 springs fresh rosemary, chives, thyme (optional) for appearances
How To Prepare:
- Break the cauliflower into small flowerets and boil in salted water or steam for 10 minutes until soft
- Drain and let sit for ten minutes to allow any excess water to drain
- Add the cauliflower back into the pot, add the cream, olive oil and mustard and puree with a stick blender until the desired smoothness has been achieved. Place the pot on medium heat. Scant Tablespoon of Buzz Savories Spicy Beer Mustard means less than a full Tb. and more than 2 tsp. Important flavor additive. Adds depth and interest to this soup.
- Slowly add the chicken broth until the puree reaches a desired consistency for a rich, smooth soup.
- SEASON the SOUP - you will need more salt and pepper
- Heat to simmer, serve and toss in the croutons. See a spring of fresh Rosemary in the photo. Any fresh tender herb will support the coming of Spring, I think.
Cauliflower Mash–Simple eating, low-lift , satisfying soup
I will redeem March for staging the miracle days of the crane and snow geese migration! The experience of tilting my face to the skies to watch wave after wave of shining snows on the their journey to the grain cupboards in Central Nebraska thrills me every spring in Central Nebraska. The patterns they weave in the sky knit and unravel with no beginnings and no ends.
Come see and hear and marvel at hundreds of thousands of this brilliant white goose crowding the skies of Central Nebraska. And listen!
March Drama
Dancers flash and whirl across a stormy stage
Like white feather fans they fold and drop
With a gusty roar, North wind whirls into the scene
And tosses the shining sky-divers against a purple sky
In the eternal drama between light and dark
The hardy actors slide in the powerful currents,
Defying winter, each bird rolls, flaps, and touches earth
The stage empties, and clouds drift in a pale sky
See recipes and “comments from the field” at http://www.BuzzSavoriesllc.com

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Nebraska® in 1998 our vision and mission has never wavered: to create viable economic development through business training, technical assistance, promotion, and access to
markets. We create impactful opportunities for small business owners and entrepreneurs to live in “Anywhere

Buzz Savories benefits from our membership in GROW Nebraska, and may I introduce the Buzz Savories Mustard Mavens to the GROWNebraska rich and accessible shopping experiences either at the store front in Kearney and/or their handy website http://www.buynebraska.com
I shop for made-in-Nebraska gift items, specialty foods like Buzz Savories Mustard and t-shirts and jewels and the curious and exotic. Stop in the storefront or visit the GROWNebraska e-commerce site.
Gather Together & Feast