Few things in life return such delight for their simplicity than fresh-from-the-oven Baking Powder Biscuits and Buzz Savories artisanal Nebraska wildflower honey.
Honey is one of those things that has a terroir — that is, the taste of the product is influenced by the environment in which it is produced. In our case, the terroir reflects the unique nectars produced by the flowers in a one-and-a-half-mile radius of the colony. Buzz Savories’ bees sip nectar from wild plum blossoms, chokecherry, elderberry, clover, alfalfa, golden rod, and the tiny flowers of blue stem grasses in the Platte River Valley, to create its unique taste.
Did you know that big honey producers blend honey from hives across the country? While this lends consistency to their finished product, the unique tastes of Nebraska or any other specific region is lost.
Why not make a batch of our Baking Powder Biscuits and try them with our all-natural, artisanal, single-hive, wildflower Buzz Savories Honey for brunch or afternoon tea or a late-evening snack? It’s hard-to-beat goodness made easy.
@bettysayers0 Home style biscuits with Buzz Savories Honey #honey #homecooking #southerncooking #honeybee #grandmasoftiktok #short ♬ Good impression VP company introduction (3 minutes)(983023) - RYOpianoforte
It’s honey harvest time. We recently lifted the honey supers from the hives and poured the warm and luscious honey into storage containers. The bees know when the honey is ready (meaning the moisture content is low enough) and cap it off with wax. A good rule of thumb for beekeepers is to look for the frames to be at least 80% capped before harvesting.
Beekeepers also take into consideration that the bees in the wild need honey for their use during winter. In Nebraska, typical nutrient needs for a hive of bees throughout the winter is 50 lbs. of a concentrated sugar/water syrup to replace the honey we are removing. Never fear, they will transform the sugar/water syrup into honey for convenient storage in the top box of their hive during the cold months.
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