March 2021, and my groove feels more like a rut with Covid 19 hovering nearby.
Even so, let’s toast to the talented and fun-loving Irish among us, invite our friends, and enjoy St. Patrick’s Day – socially distanced gathering and mask-up.
Wear the green, laugh, tell a favorite story and munch on a Corned Beef Slider.
I thank my colleague Kim Woods for the recipe. Kim starts with fresh corned beef, places it in a glass casserole with an inch of water, covers the casserole dish, and bakes the corned beef for 2 1/2 – 3 hours at 250 degrees F.
If time permits, follow Kim’s advice and roast a fresh corned-beef for added flavor and moist texture.
I know that roasting a corned beef offers superior taste. Never the less, I bought the corned beef in the recipe below pre-roasted and sliced at my local meat market for the convenience.
My 3 criteria for a recipe:
Fry thin-sliced onions until caramel colored and crisp around the edges. Fried onions add deep onion flavor and raves from your guests.
The sauce ties this luscious package together. Three ingredients including Thousand Island Dressing, Horseradish cream and Buzz Savories Spicy Beer Mustard add heat in a creamy sauce.
And the winning Sensational Slider!
Who lives in a Honey Bee colony?
There are three kinds of bees in a honey bee colony.
The number of workers and drones changes with the season. The queen increases egg-laying in early spring and decreases egg laying in late summer to lessen the numbers of bees wintering in the colony when their food sources (blooming plants) die off. She increases egg-laying in early spring to prepare the colony for collecting nectar and pollen. The primary work for up 20,000 worker bees in the summer months.
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