If you’ve never taken a few moments to explore our recipe collection, there’s no time like the present. We have delicious menu ideas from salads and appetizers to main dishes and desserts. Dive into our collection and see what appeals to you.
For instance, if you’re looking for an elegant but simple dinner to impress the in-laws or the boss, why not try the elegant Filet de Boeuf a’ la Moutarde aux Champignons (Filet Mignon with Mushroom and Mustard Sauce). Our Spicy Beer Mustard is the textbook accent for the flavors of rich, earthy mushrooms, and of course the addition of cognac and heavy cream doesn’t hurt the final presentation. Try roasting it with matchsticks of zucchini and/or Brussel sprouts or broccolini in the same oven, then, to complete an elegant meal, simply add a crusty baguette and a nice glass of French wine.
Or, say you’re providing desert for a small family gathering and everybody is tired of chocolate cake and brownies. Try a Buzz Savories Honey Pie. With only four ingredients and a frozen pie shell, it’s easy to make and its flavor is a winner whenever it’s on the menu. Make the meal really special by serving it with a graceful Chai Tea using Buzz Savories light, single-source, artisanal honey.
Looking for an interesting salad? We have several. In the fall, We like a Nebraska grown Power Salad of Red Russian Kale, Lettuce, Spinach, Brussel sprouts, vine-fresh apples, and cashews. Or how about Spicy Beer Mustard Aioli? Our version includes garlic, salt, olive oil, and egg, and, of course, a generous couple of tablespoons of Buzz Savories Spicy Beer Mustard.
A backyard barbecue, of course, is one place in particular for mustard to play a leading role. In the height of summer, we like to grill sweet corn until the kernels char, and then slather each ear of corn with a mixture of Buzz Savories Spicy Beer Mustard blended with olive oil, garlic and salt. When well-slathered, we put them back on the grill for more charring and more flavor.
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