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A Spoon-Full of Assurance

At long last Spicy Beer Mustard in a 2 Pack and in a 6-Pack may be purchased on Find it by searching for Spicy Beer Mustard and scroll to find Spicy Beer Mustard 2 Pack at $17/pack or $8.50/jar and Spicy Beer Mustard 6 pack at $42.00 for 6 jars or $7.00/jar. Shipping is free!

Spicy Beer Mustard 6 Pack

And appreciate  (as many of you do already)  the rich flavors that accent your favorite foods and snacks, and by knowing Spicy Beer Mustard as an Honest Food.   Spicy Beer Mustard on your pantry shelf may provide a spoonful of assurance in our chemically laden food supply.

I’m also thinking of easy, affordable – under $20 – and pleasing gift idea for the Holidays. I am packing a box with Spicy Beer Mustard, my favorite salami or summer sausage or jerky product plus a local cheese. Add a sprig of pine. I quickly assembled a simple and pleasing gift to pack, send or carry to a friend.

Happy and Spicy Greetings for the Season