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Five Steps to Perfectly Grilled Salmon

Hello, Mustard Mavens,

Buzz Savories mustards are made in rural Nebraska with local honey and Lost Way Brewery Olde Creamery Stout, and I like sharing  glimpses of my place on the planet in the Buzz Savories newsletter, thereby my thoughts on  September.

I am seeing and feeling a Change in Seasons and  just in time for us on the High Plains and River Valleys in Nebraska.  Weather dramas are wearing thin.  The following poem offers a glimpse of my place during the spring and summer of 2019.


Photo by  Photographer Don Brockmeier,

Where I Live Weather Rules

I live on a rim of earth below an always ascending sky

Sky billows, thunders, whirls in shifting shades of slate

Straight-line winds,  50-mile per hour gusts

Rain pours, drizzles, drenches, dumps, drops

Sky marshals  its power over us

And earth blooms green and gold,

Sky makes sign for weather

Weather tells our fortune

Earth Acquiesces

Flood, drought, hail

From early spring to summer and now autumn, the sky has made its powerful presence known in Nebraska.  Sweeping  rain events, alarming for us who live on a usually arid prairie, sloshed, flooded, destroyed.   In March 2019 until yesterday, sky showed us super cell thunder storms, hail, drenching rain, flash floods, down bursts and crazy, driving winds.

In spite of rain and wind and during the intermittent sunshine, Honey bees made their honey.  Buzz Savories mustards feature honey, and I thank the bees as  I measure, mix, pack and process Buzz Savories Honey Mustard.

Autumn in bronze, scarlet, auburn, rust  calls me to marvel at the colors, and to plan time on the patio with friends.  It’s gotta be grilled salmon with a maple syrup/honey mustard glaze on the menu with wild rice and farmer’s market green beans.

Take this salmon recipe to heart and do it!  You, your family and guests will remember the flavor for a  long time and thank you, the chef who grills a perfect Buzz Savories Honey Mustard and maple syrup glazed salmon.

Salmon in heavy duty aluminum foil package


                    1. buy 2.45 pounds of salmon to serve 4 people

                    2. buy Buzz Savories Honey Mustard and make the mustard/maple syrup glaze

                    3. prepare a hot grill

                   4. make heavy aluminum foil packages with zucchini slices lining the bottom, place salmon on top of the

zucchini and baste fillets with Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Glaze.

                   5. grill 12-18 minutes until the salmon flakes






I bought a 2.45 pound salmon fillet, and it serves generous portions for 4 people.  Wild rice offers a perfect back drop for the Buzz Savories Honey Mustard/maple syrup glaze with salmon on the grill.  I buy cans of Canoe brand wild rice in my grocery store, and I hope you may find it in your grocery store too.  If not, find it at this website.

I thank for the origin of my riff  on Buzz Savory Honey Mustard and maple glaze grilled salmon.


Grilled Salmon with Buzz Savories Honey Mustard and Maple Syrup Glaze

Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4


  • Heavy Duty Aluminum Foil

What You'll Need:

  • 4 6 oz. salmon fillets
  • 4 small zucchini and 1 Tb. olive oil slice into approx 1/4 inch slices and toss in olive oil. The zucchini serves as added moisture for the salmon in the grilling process. Discard before serving.

Buzz Savories Honey Mustard/Maple Glaze

  • 4 Tb. Buzz Savories Honey Mustard
  • 4 tsp. maple syrup
  • 4 tsp. olive oil

Wild Rice Casserole

  • 2 15 oz cans Canoe wild rice Find canned wild rice or order from
  • ¼ stick unsalted butter
  • 1 Tb. vegetable oil
  • 2 sticks celery including leaves slice thin slices
  • 1 medium onion cut in medium dice
  • ½ tsp salt and pepper or to taste
  • 2 cup chicken or vegetable broth

How To Prepare:

Prepare Salmon Grill Packages

  • Salt and pepper the salmon fillets
  • Prepare a hot grill
  • Cut 4 large squares of foil
  • Toss zucchini slices in olive oil, season with salt and pepper
  • Place the salmon fillet on top of the zucchini
  • Evenly divide the Buzz Savories Honey Mustard and maple glaze on top of the salmon. Close the foil packets leaving a 2-4 inch opening at the top
  • Grill the foil packets with the lid covered until the salmon flakes, about 12-18 minutes
  • Discard the zucchini slices and serve the salmon fillets accompanied by wild rice

Wild Rice Casserole

  • Melt the butter in a medium-size enamel coated casserole
  • saute the celery and onion until tender
  • Drain and rinse the wild rice
  • Mix wild rice and celery and onion, add 1 cup chickenor vegetable broth, season with salt, pepper, and thyme
  • Place in a 325 Degree oven for 20 minutes and then turn oven to 150 to keep the rice warm

In October we pause to celebrate progress toward recovery of roads and bridges due to flooding, our abundance, and the beauty of the season.  Please join us.


When:        Oct. 10

Where:       Lost Way Brewery, 614 3rd Ave., Holdrege, NE 68949

Time:          5 p.m. to 7 p.m.


Food Truck chefs in our region will bring appetizers created with Spicy Beer Mustard for taste tests and enjoyment.

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Outrageous Squash

Brawny vines, punch green patterns on turquoise sky
troops of robust leaves tumble in the sunlight
Free from the inside and moving out, Outrageous Squash

Vertical sunflowers shimmy-up the sun’s rays
The heads drip gold, grow complete and nod
Uncluttered, un-contrived and true

Parsley cuts a clean design
A glove of frothy chlorophyll tops slim, crisp rods
An immaculate print

Kale declares its nature in ruffles and frills
Dressed for a midnight dance under a pumpkin moon
Snappy stalks grow rich from the dark earth

Without apology, Kale gets what’s good for it
The soul’s calling is clear in all that grows here
Myself, I say.
Myself, I shout!


I welcome you and also the soft footsteps of Autumn,

I’m writing alongside a garden that is striving to fulfill the promise of the summer. Even though gloomy days and frequent soaking rains slowed growth, plants in my Nebraska garden push on and up seeking every drop of sunlight for energy and chlorophyll.

I especially admire Kale. Sturdy and confident Kale addresses the world’s woes with a “Can do” spirit. From a cold April and through rain or shine, Kale makes exuberant, curly leaves and looks confident and prosperous.

Kale shows its best self in autumn because it likes cool days and sometimes grows past freezes and icy winds.

Find fresh Kale at your Farmer’s Market or neighbors garden, then tap into your Buzz Savories Honey Mustard and embark upon this fun-to-make, vitamin-packed and rich-in-flavor dinner/salad.

The gift of the Honey Mustard Dressing and Autumn Kale Salad recipe that follows was published at

Thank you to Christine McCormick for finding this tasty and super satisfying salad, photography and chef skills.

Christine assembled the salad for a family dinner thinking she would enjoy the left overs for lunch the following day, and surprise! Not a leaf or a twig left in the bowl.

Her chef skills and the Autumn Kale Salad recipe with Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Dressing answers the question – How to Know When Your Food is Very Good?

Answer: Guests say, “I ate too much!”


Kale Salad with Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Dressing

This kale salad combines some of the favorite flavors of the cooler season - kale, sweet potatoes, pecans, and cranberries.
Course Main Course, Salad
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 10 minutes
Servings 4 people

What You'll Need:

  • 2 medium sweet potatoes
  • ½ pound kale Take time with preparing the kale. See instructions below:
  • 1 medium tart apple mix Fuji and/or Granny Smith
  • ½ cup pecans salted and roasted for 10 minutes
  • ½ cup dried cranberries

Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Dressing

  • 2 Tablespoons maple syrup
  • 4 Tablespoons apple cider vinegar
  • 4 Tablespoons Buzz Savories Honey Mustard

How To Prepare:

  • 1. Preheat oven to 425 F. Scrub sweet potatoes. When oven is hot, place sweet potato in oven. Bake for 45 minutes until tender OR cook in microwave according to time specified for sweet potatoes. Cool
  • 2. Core the apple and slice thin slices.
  • 3. Combine all the ingredients for the dressing in a bowl. Stir until reaches a smooth consistency.
  • 4. Separate kale ribs from leaves. Shred leaves into thin strips and mince ribs into small pieces.
  • 5. Combine dale, cranberries, apple slices and pecans in a salad bowl. Add dressing gradually, tossing as you add it.
  • 6. Serve immediately.
  • 7. Feel free to substitute other roasted nuts for the pecans, and roasted Butternut Squash for sweet potatoe

Buzz Savories News:

What:    A celebration to launch  Buzz Savories condiments – Buzz Savories Honey                   Mustard and Spicy Beer Mustard
Where: Lost Way Brewery, 614 3rd Ave., Holdrege, NE 68949
When:  October 10, 2019
5:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m.
Why:    The Holdrege Chamber of Commerce celebrates new businesses in the                         region with a launch party. Because Olde Creamery Stout brewed at Lost                     Way Brewery along with honey are primary ingredients for the layers of                       flavor in the Honey Mustard and Spicy Beer Mustard, we decided on Lost                      Way Brewery as the site for the launch party.

We invited local chefs to create a recipe with the mustard and serve it at the Brewery on Oct. 10, 2019.

Who: All of you are invited. Please come!

Contact: For more information contact me at [email protected] or 308-991-2218

As an old German saying has it, “Hunger is the best cook,” so if you want people to love your food, first take them for a walk in the woods, along the beach, through the snow, to the river and skip the peanuts.”

Edward Espe Brown


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Buzz Savories Honey Mustard


Buzz savories Honey Mustard Sweepstakes!  I await your entry!

Follow these steps:  (1) Create or decide upon your recipe using Buzz Savories Honey Mustard (2) photo the dish you make (3) send your photo to Instagram with these tags:  @buzzsaqvories and the hahtags #BuzzHoney Mustard and #Entry in your caption


the earth turns

summer spins away

on Labor Day


Labor Day weekend is set-aside to honor You and Me – The People – for the technical and ordinary and tedious and amazing work we accomplish in the U.S.A. and the world.

Labor Day Holiday also softens the harsh thoughts of “no-vacation-time until___,” and gives permission to rest in the shade of a cottonwood tree and linger in the closing moments of summer.  And to invite young and old, football fans and not  – to enjoy great food in a simple setting with low-lift prep. and easy clean-up.

We are grilling Husker Chops (in Nebraska meaning – 1 inch thick bone-in pork chop) to send playful summer on her way and transition into Hurly-Burly Autumn.

See the menu I selected to celebrate Labor Day with my friends and family.  I plan first for flavor because I relish heat, meat, and fresh flavors, then I plan for simple so I feel comfortable enjoying friends and listening and laughing and telling my stories too.

I thank  website for their original brine, grill and glaze recipe for 1 inch thick pork chops.

Pork Chop Grilled with Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Glaze


Husker Chops on the Grill with Spicy Beer Mustard Glaze

Spicy Beer Mustard Potato Salad

Grilled Sweet Corn (fresh from the Farmer’s Market)

Late Season Sliced Tomatoes and Onions

Baguettes of Sour Dough Bread Baked in a Brick Oven at the Back Alley Bakery (ideally)

Chunks of Farmer’s Market Melon


This menu is tried and true, and I promise that guests will rave and you will smile as they heap praise on you, the Grill Master.  The menu works for you and me because prepping and grilling this Labor Day Feast feels easy.  Twenty-four or even 48 hours before the celebration, buy the chops and place them in the brine and refrigerate.

One day prior to the celebration gather ingredients and make the potato salad recipe.

Brining the chops guarantees moist and a salty, sweet, thyme and garlic flavor in every slice.  A memorable flavor!!  Find recipes for the potato salad and for sweet corn on the grill at

Edward Espe Brown, a former Chef at Tassajara Zen Center and teacher writes, “I want people to be happy. Not the happy of getting what you imagined wanting, but the happy of kind mind, joyful mind, big mind; the happy of a day of peace, and a day of tending, of attending; the happy of being with, not being boss, of greeting, meeting, patience, warmth, generosity.”


I like thinking and believing that my das and especially Labor Day will be peaceful, and a day of tending and attending, greeting,meeting, patience, warmth and generosity.


Thank you for opening this space and time in your life for Spicy Beer Mustard and Buzz Savories Mustard and for me to share recipes and thoughts with you.

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Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Quesadilla

Hello, Fellow Explorers into the sacred and spicy world of cooking with family and friends

Buzz Savories Honey Mustard

 Buzz Savories added a new  mustard to our savory product line!  Buzz Savories Honey Mustard -6 pack and Buzz Savories Honey Mustard – 2 pack.

Honey Mustard grew out of your interest in a sweet mustard.  I listen and learn, test and make.

Now I invite you to show me how you like it!  See the Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Sweepstakes below and join on Instagram.

I am Calling for  Photos and Recipes from each of you and will publish the ones that taste great and with photos that look sharp and delicious on the Buzz Savories, LLC web-site and  in the 2 x month newsletters and of course, will credit you..

See the Press Release below for  a description of the Sweepstakes and see rules and regs. at



AUGUST 12, 2019

FOR MORE INFORMATION:  Betty Sayers [email protected],  308-991-2218


HOLDREGE, Nebraska, August 12, 2019—Calling all honey lovers!  Buzz Savories is hosting a Honey Mustard Recipe Sweepstakes to showcase how adding honey mustard to your recipe lifts flavor from Ho-Hum to  “I’ll have another spoonful!


Show your creativity and love of Buzz Savories Honey Mustard by posting a photo or video showing us how you like to use our Honey Mustard in your recipe or on your table.

To enter, post a picture of your best recipe with Buzz Savories Honey Mustard as an ingredient on your Instagram.  Tag the entry with the account @buzzsavories and the hashtags #BuzzHoneyMustard and #Entry in your caption.

Entries will be accepted August 12 through September 12, 2019.

First place prize is a Buzz Savories solid wood and hand made Charcuterie Board and Second place prize, a professional chef’s apron embroidered with the Buzz Savories logo.  Two jars of Buzz Savories Honey Mustard delivered to your door comprise the third and fourth place prizes.

The judges will award as many photos and recipes that they deem excellent to be posted on the Buzz Savories, LLC web site and on newsletters that we publish twice month.  Entries will be selected based on recipe flavor and photo quality.

Need inspiration?

Show us a photo and recipe that uses Buzz Savories Honey Mustard as a dipping sauce, a dressing for fresh vegetables, a marinade or a glaze for your favorite baked or grilled recipes. Let your imagination flow!


Buzz Savories Honey Mustard and Ham Quesadilla



You may purchase Buzz Savories Honey Mustard at the following retail stores:  Lost Way Brewery, Holdrege; Fritz’s Meat Market, Holdrege; Oxford Locker, Kearney; Elwood Co-op, Elwood; https://www.ellwoodcoopmarket.comH&J Grocery, Eustis;(find them on Facebook)  Rustic & Red, Cozad; From Nebraska Gift Shop, Lincoln;, Leon’s Gourmet Grocer, Lincoln; https://www.leonsgourmetgrocer.comBack Alley Bakery, Hastings;  Lexington Regional Health Center Gift Store, Lexington; GROW Nebraska’s Buy Nebraska Store, Kearney; https://www.buynebraska.comand a grocery (search Buzz Savories Honey Mustard-2 pack or – 6 pack). 

And soon find it at the Eustis Pool Hall.  See Eustis Pool Hall on Facebook.  Thanks Lonnie and Stephen for finding shelf space and also adding it to your menu.  Thank you Ryan Puls at The Speakeasy for adding Spicy Beer Mustard to your condiment shelf.

For more information about Buzz Savories and for official sweepstakes rules, visit  or call 308-991-2218.

Also a change in venue for mustard manufacturing process is happening this week!

Buzz Savories Commercial Kitchen in Eustis

I moved into a Hobbit of a House for a Commercial Kitchen.  Location:  Eustis, NE, and prime place for developing a food business.  I follow the successes of the Village Piemaker,  Sharon Larson’s Family’s Wheat Snacks, and Rowdy’s Meat Sticks, Jerky, Summer Sausage, Salami, and the Eustis Senior Citizen’s fresh, handmade noodles.

Ham, Swiss Cheese & Apple Quesadillas and Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Dip


Ham, Swiss Cheese & Apple Quesadillas and Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Dip

Appetizer, breakfast, brunch, lunch, mid-afternoon snack, and freshly made for a light supper and then midnight snacks. . Serve warm from the oven or room temperature in a lunch box or Charcuterie Board or eaten cold from the refrigerator Quesadilla taste fine and crunchy and salty and delicious too.
Servings 4 people

What You'll Need:

  • 4 small or regular size flour tortillas
  • 4 or more thin slices Swiss or Gruyere cheese depending on size of tortilla
  • ½ lb. ham sliced paper thin
  • 1 tart applie very thinly sliced
  • olive or coconut oil in spray form or spreadable
  • 1 Tb. Buzz Savories Honey Mustard

Buzz Savories Honey Mustard

  • 4 Tb. Buzz Savories Honey Mustard
  • 3 Tb. Half and Half Cream
  • ¼ tsp. paprika

How To Prepare:

  • Preheat oven to 375 Degrees
  • Line 1 sheet pan with parchment paper
  • Lay out the tortillas on the parchment paper and spread a light layer of Buzz Savories Honey Mustard on the tortilla leaving approximately 1/2 inch around the edge of the tortilla
  • Layer the thin ham slices over the tortilla, and arrange the paper thin apple slices over 1/2 the tortilla and top with a slice of Swiss Cheese or other cheese of your choice.
  • Fold each tortilla in half, press the edges, and brush with melted coconut oil or spray with olive oil
  • Bake for 10-12 minutes until the cheese is melted and tortillas are slightly browned
  • For the dipping sauce, blend the Honey Mustard, Half and Half Cream and paprika
  • Remove the tortillas from the oven and let rest for 2 minutes. Cut into wedges and serve immediately with the Buzz Savories Honey Mustard Dipping Sauce.
  • You may also cook these quesadillas in a skillet or grill pan if you prefer.

Ingredients – Tortilla, Swiss Cheese, ham, and a fresh apple



Spray with olive oil or spread coconut oil and then bake or grill in a grill pan until cheese melts and tortilla browns


Buzz savories Honey Mustard and Ham Quesadilla

I like hearing from each of you on Instagram, contact page on website and phone calls.  Call me at 308-991-2218.  I welcome your inquiries and stories.  Let’s make something salty, meaty, fruity,  crunchy to dip or spread or flavor  with sweet and spicy Buzz Savories Honey Mustard.  And tell me and show me  how you like it!

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How Only 4 Ingredients Make A Sensational  Summer Salad



Hello, Mustard Mavens,


Whew!  July’s extreme heat  dampens my desire to cook.   I  eat out of my refrigerator, and especially enjoy nibbling on a hearty salad that stays fresh and tastes delicious with the passing of these hot days.

I don’t ignore my friends because I like keeping up with their stories of vacations and our small town past times.  I  invite friends to linger in the shade of our ancient maple tree for a glass of beer or wine, and a simple Charcuterie Board – cheese, crackers, thin slices of summer sausage and the Sensational Marinated Bean Salad.

I prepare this non-cook recipe many times in the summer months, and I most often open a can of great northern beans grown near Scotts Bluff  in Western Nebraska as the first of the four ingredients.

Nebraska is a major producer of dry edible beans.

Western Nebraska’s semi-arid climate, with warm days and cool nights, provides excellent growing conditions for beans.

Nebraska produces more great northern beans than any other state in the nation, is second in pinto and light red kidney and fourth in black bean production.


In researching the provenance of the great northern bean,  the following story popped up in my reading:

According to Leland W. Hudson (Regional Plant Introduction Station, Washington State University), the 1935  seed catalog of the Oscar W. Will and Company in Bismarck, N.D., reported that the seed of the great northern bean was originally obtained by Oscar H. Will in 1887 from Son of Star, a Hidatsa Native American whose tribe had grown it for millennial.

Now when I buy great northern beans at the grocery, whether canned or dry, I ponder: A very strong possibility exists that they were traded and grown by tribal farmers in Nebraska-Native Americans being the first farmers in Nebraska.  They also built the stately earth lodges on the plateaus of western Nebraska.  See an earth lodge at the Great Platte River Road Archway Monument, Kearney, NE.

The Hidatsa people, a North Dakota  tribe propagated the first great northern bean and probably traded the seed across the Americas.

See the simple and nourishing and delicious recipe for Sensational Marinated Bean Summer Salad below:


Simple and Sensational Marinated Bean Summer Salad

What You'll Need:

Marinated Bean Salad

  • 1 medium shallot or 3 or 4 green onions dice and include green stems of the onion
  • 1 cup tender herbs – mint, parsley, cilantro, chives and/or dill
    chop into a fine dice -approximately 1/2 cup
  • 2 15 oz. cans great northern beans and red beans or substitute navy beans, cannellini beans or garbanzo beans

    rinse the beans
  • 1 tsp. salt

Sensational Salad Dressing

  • 2 Tb. Spicy Beer Mustard
  • ¼ cup white vine vinegar or rice vinegar
  • ½ tsp. salt
  • ¾ cup Canola Oil or Olive Oil

How To Prepare:

  • Combine the shallot, herbs, salt and beans in a non corrosive bowl
  • In an emulsifier/blender/food processor combine the Spicy beer Mustard, salt and vinegar
  • Slowly stream in the oil until the mixture forms an emulsion
  • Pour 4 Tb. of dressing into the bean mixture and gently stir, taste and adjust seasonings and amount of dressing
  • Caution: too much dressing and salad may be soggy
  • Cover and refrigerate up to 8 days


Marinated Bean Salad
Rinse the beans
Dressing for the Beans
2 Tablespoons of Buzz Savories Spicy Beer Mustard
Pour the Spicy Beer Mustard and vinegar into the food processor or blender¼ cup white wine or rice vinegar
¾ cup canola oil or olive oil
½ tsp. salt
Combine and mix the vinegar and the Spicy Beer Mustard
In your food process or blender, pour a thin stream of oil into the blender to form an emulsion
Combine the beans, tender herbs, salt into an enamel or glass bowl then drizzle approximately 3 Tablespoons of Spicy Beer Mustard Dressing over the beans, taste and add more dressing if desired.   
Serve chilled or at room temperature. 
I guess I’m cooking when I prepare the Simple, Sensational Bean Salad.  I like thinking of a quote from Ruth Reichl in her book Save Me the Plums:  My Gourmet Memoir


My experience tells me that the 1/2 cup of finely minced tender herbs sets this recipe above all the others because fresh herbs add crunch and the benefit of a flavor that cannot be measured nor described. Use all of the suggested tender herbs or if only one is available to you, use it.  Parsley works fine.  I like the addition of mint, but once again, not a requirement.

And returning to Why do we Cook query and especially in summer,   I guess I’m cooking when I prepare the Simple, Sensational Bean Salad although I’m mainly opening cans and chopping cold vegetables. Anyway the tasks feel easy, and I stay cool.

I like thinking of a quote from Ruth Reichl in her book Save Me the Plums:  My Gourmet Memoir .  She tackles the perennial question for us living in the “Hello Fresh” and Uber delivery world, “Why we cook?  with “Cooking and serving food is one way I offer thanks.”

I add, several more thoughts,- a way I connect with friends is eating or munching on Charcuterie together.

Cooking fills a space in me for the art of it, for the fun of it, and for the flavors and alluring smells that drift from  a recipe that calls for fresh herbs and a Spicy Beer Mustard Dressing.


Buy your Spicy Beer Mustard at the outlets listed on this site and   Search for Spicy Beer Mustard – 6 pack or Spicy Beer Mustard – 2 pack.

While here on the Buzz Savories site, please register for the newsletter.  See Contact Page. I like hearing from you and learning about the topics that interest you and the recipes you are inventing and trying.  I write recipes and mustard commentary 2 x month.


With gratitude for you and our abundance food,  Betty A.




Thank you John Best for the stunning and masterful photo of Spicy Beer Mustard with a brat.  I am recalling why I developed Spicy Beer Mustard – to serve as a spread with brats, hot dogs, hamburgers, with summer sausage and on a Charcuterie Board, and now I’m finding that I like it in dips, sauces, glazes and dressings.  John Best reinvented himself at retirement into a professional photographer and is now the photographer for the Shrine Games. Contact him at the following email address:  [email protected]


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1 Easy Way to Make a Summer Celebration


“Why am I happy

that I was born?

The reason (in season)

Sweet Corn!”

(poem by Jacquelyn Mitchard, Fried Wallyeye and Cherry Pie)

When July meets August, wherever I am standing on the planet, I hunger for fresh Nebraska sweet corn.  Fresh holds a bushel of meaning for a Nebraska sweet corn connoisseur.  Fresh sweet corn is picked by hand at sunrise and carted to a vegetable stand in a nearby town where a grower sells hundreds of ears by noon of the same day.

Nebraska farmers grow 1,016 acres of sweet corn, and nearly every kernel is eaten by the 1.9 million of us, the residents.   Corn grower’s research estimate that every Nebraskan eats 20 ears of sweet corn during the short season.

We plant in late April or May as soon as soil temperatures are warm, 55 Degrees, and harvest at peak quality when kernels are in the milk stage and the silks are brown and dry beyond the end of the husk.  The plump kernels drip a thick milky juice when pressed by the thumb.

Nebraska’s long sunny days, warm nights,and correct amount of water grow prize-winning corn.  The top varieties grow in this corn state and mature into a sweet, tender, burst-in-your-mouth flavor.

Growers select Sweet Corn varieties according to their growing days, and we are grilling and eating fresh corn  between July and September.

One more advantage to life and living in a town under 10,000 in Nebraska – we all live within 20 miles of a grower selling their fresh-picked corn under the umbrella of their sweet corn stand.

Buzz Savories is featuring sweet corn in the July edition because the first and last sweet corn of the season is good reason to celebrate summer!

Corn is held in high esteem here, and we buy special sweet corn dishes to honor it.



Husk and remove the silks from the cobs leaving the stem for easy turning on the grill


To cook a luscious food memory for any number of guests, I roast the sweet corn on the grill.

  • Prepare a hot grill, clean the grate
  • oil the grate
  • drench the sweet corn ears in olive oil
  • roast until charred, turning the cobs as the kernels char
  • the charring requires time, maybe 3-4 minutes on each turn of the cob
  • brush the corn with a mixture of Spicy Beer Mustard, garlic, olive oil and salt, return to the grill briefly and serve

Roast plenty since the leftover corn turns into a favorite black bean salsa dressed simply with fresh lime juice and garden herbs.


Sweet corn roasting on the grill

I thank for my adaptation of the recipe below:  Check out this website for their many varieties of mustard and always delicious recipes.



Spicy Beer Mustard Grilled Sweet Corn

Simple recipe to step-up celebrate summer with sweet corn, Spicy Beer Mustard, a medium hot grill.
Stir a simple sauce for the corn, grill till charred, brush on sauce, and eat.
Servings 6 guests
Cost $8.00


  • 2 Tbsp. Spicy Beer Mustard
  • 2 cloves garlic, minced or 1 tsp. of dried minced garlic
  • 6 fresh ears corn on the cob, husks and silk removed – leave the stem for easy of turning the cob
  • 1 1/2 Tbsp. olive oil
  • 2 Tb. olive oil to prepare corn for the grilling process


  1. Preheat grill on medium heat. Combine mustard, garlic, salt and olive oil. Set aside.
  2. Brush corn with oil and grill for 8 to 10 min. or until tender. Turn the corn occasionally and brush with the Spicy Beer Mustard mixture.
Grilled and charred sweet corn then brushed while hot with Spicy Beer Mustard sauce and returned briefly to the grill.


Black Bean and Spicy Beer Mustard/ Grilled Corn Salsa


With leftover Spicy Beer Mustard Grilled Sweet Corn, make the following recipe:

 Salsa Dressing

3 Tb. olive oil

2 Tb. fresh lime juice

1 tsp. cumin

½ tsp. salt

½ tsp. pepper


Ingredients of the Salsa

1 cup (more if you have it) grilled and charred Spicy Beer Mustard corn cut from the cob

1 can black beans, drained and rinsed

1 cup red or green or mixed peppers, diced

½ cup green onions, chopped

1/4 cup cilantro or parsley or basil or oregano, or all together chopped fine


Blend all ingredients together and chill.


The following photo may inspire you to follow your taste buds to  your local meat market to buy pork spareribs to serve with the charred corn

Spicy Beer Mustard Charred Corn, grill spare ribs and a Spicy Beer Mustard and potato mixture also grilled in an aluminum foil package


The flavor of Spicy Beer Mustard Sweet Corn from the grill is worth bringing cooking into your life and friends to your table.

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How I Learned to Grill a Juicy, Snappy Brat

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Hello, friends and neighbors and Mustard Mavens,

Grillin’ Time at last here in our Nebraska town under 10,000.  The sun sits boldly in the sky and all that is green is growing and glowing!

This weekend,  I will be hosting friends for  fishing, kayaking, paddle boarding and eating – Whoa!  I mean to say, sitting on the patio in an Adirondack chair, sipping a beer, talking or languishing in a hammock and maybe a boat ride later.  And, yes, eating!

Grillin’ Time Menu for June – Brats in a Toasted Bun with Coleslaw and probably a barbecue bean casserole to side with the Brats.

I like planning casual entertaining around Brats and a light and salty, sweet and crunchy coleslaw.

All but the grilling is handled hours or even a day before the gathering, and I, the host greet my friends and enjoy the pleasure of their company, and grilling and eating in the shade of Nebraska’s State Tree, the majestic cottonwood.

I design a simple menu with easy-to-make food items that look and taste  delicious. Complex Flavor Without Complex Recipes

First and most important buy quality Brats. Our region is favored with Meat Markets.  Below I listed meat markets in Nebraska that I guarantee pack  freshly ground meat in natural casing, top-quality Brats and one of the markets (Raikes Meats in Ashland)  delivers to your door like Omaha Steaks only  higher quality.

The Brat recipe that follows fell into my hands during a juicy conversation  with an award-winning  barbecue guy in my home town.

His Brats spill over with juice on the inside and bite with a snap on the outside.

Spicy Beer Mustard simplifies the cooking because the rich blend of Olde Creamery Stout, Platte River Valley honey, mustard seeds, mustard powder, Turmeric, Allspice and cider vinegar develop  complex flavors  without complex work.

Spicy Beer Mustard Dressing for Cole Slaw

¼ cup                                    distilled white vinegar
3 Tablespoons                      Spicy Beer Mustard
6 Tablespoons                     Canola oil
1/2 tsp.                                 salt
½ tsp.                                    sugar
½ red onion                         sliced thinly and then cut into 1 inch pieces
2 20 oz. packages               Angel Hair cabbage


  • In a small bowl mix vinegar, mustard, salt and sugar then stirring   constantly   with a wire whip, drizzle in the 6 Tablespoons of oil.
  • Slice the red onion and cut into approximately 1 inch pieces.
  • Dump the angel hair cabbage into a large bowl, add the onions, and then ½ the dressing.  Toss.  All parts of the cabbage need to be moistened with the dressing.  If you think it dry in places, add more dressing – 1 Tablespoon at a time until all the salad is moistened but not dripping in dressing.
  • I mix the cabbage and dressing several hours prior to the party or even minutes before serving.  The Angel Hair cabbage tastes fresh and clean any way I do it.

Most important, buy Brats from a meat market in your region of the world.  I select mine from the following Markets that also retail Spicy Beer Mustard, the Condiment with Character:

Holdrege, Fritz’s Meats
Kearney, Oxford Locker at Kearney
Elwood, Elwood Coop
Eustis, H&J Market
Lincoln, Leon’s Gourmet Market
Ashland, Raikes Beef  (Raikes Beef delivers mail order direct to your home, and the order arrives frozen, and the meat  quality is 100% superb)

See all addresses and phone # aBuzzsavoriesllc.comt

Now I continue with the Brat grilling process –How to Grill a Perfect Brat

No, please do not take Brats from package to the grill.  Yes, soon you will be grilling so light the coals.

First place the brats in a skillet and pour in either beer or water to fill the skillet to ¾ height of the brats.
Reason:  melt the fat to release the juices in the meat.  The photo is showing uncooked Brats beginning a simmer in their beer bath.

Turn the heat to a high simmer and simmer  20 minutes.

The Brat simmering process may take place several hours  hours or also a day before grilling and serving.  Cover and refrigerate if you simmer  ahead.

Grill over a hot fire only to a golden appearance on all sides and to print the grill marks on the brats. (150 Degrees)  Check temperature with your instant thermometer. The grilling/browning process may only require 5 minutes!



Brats and Buns
Water or beer for the simmering process
Toast buns on the grill and serve with Spicy Beer Mustard and Cole Slaw on the side.

Human-kind is united by love for appetizing food. (Edward Espe Brown, The Tassajara Recipe Book)

Register for the newsletter and see more photos and recipes and  “Mustard Meanderings” on this website.


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I Might Have Died That Day! A Beekeeper’s Drama and a Spring Salad Recipe with a Spicy Beer Mustard Vinaigrette



The Lord hates everyone who is arrogant; he will never let them escape punishment.   Proverbs 15,16


“What was I thinking when I ventured into beekeeping?”  Looking back, my decision was skewed with myths, misinformation and arrogance.

Information about social insects fascinates me.  I read E.O Wilson, the Harvard etymologist, who studies ant behavior and writes books on ant colonies that I consider analogies for life in corporate America.


I considered myself an amateur naturalist.  I camped and fished and hiked beaches and forest trails.  My rumpled copy of Roger Tory Peterson’s bird identification book is found under the front seat of my car alongside binoculars. I voted for clean air and water and preservation of prairies, the barrier reefs and old growth forests.  I am a past member of the Audubon Society; and, once, when I lived in Minnesota, I voted for a candidate of the Green Party.


I count bees as premier naturalists.  They pollinate 1/3 of the vegetables and fruits marketed in the U.S., process the nectar into honey, a tasty and even medicinal product, and they willingly offer up their excess for humans to eat.


In my state of innocence, I believed this to be true.


“What is the risk,”  I asked.


The investment seemed minimal.  The beehive could be set up on marginal land that required no rent; and wild flowers are free.  If I started small, one hive, what could go wrong?

Thinking casually, I concluded that beekeeping would entertain me like fishing, gardening, bird watching – my other hobbies.

I pictured myself gifting combs dripping with ambrosia (honey) to family, neighbors and clients, and bowing in humility at their profuse expressions of gratitude and admiration for me, the beekeeper.


Beekeeping Workshop


On a Saturday in January, driving thirty miles across flat farmland in blowing snow to sit on a metal folding chair in a Buffalo County Extension classroom to hear an etymologist lecture on beginning beekeeping seemed reasonable.


Knowing nothing about the craft and the business of bees, I walked blithely through the door in time to hear Dr. Ellis, the etymologist and apiary specialist, ask the first question of the class, “Why are you here?”


The dialogue that ensued revealed that all other participants lived on an acreage or a farm.  One was a truck gardener and needed bees to pollinate the vegetables in his garden; others lived on farms and hoped to sell honey to augment their incomes; another had an opportunity to buy into a commercial beekeeping business and intended to start with 800 hives.  The instructor shook his head as he said, “Not a good idea.  Start with two hives and learn from the bees.”


I then heard myself saying that I intended to start beekeeping as a hobby.  “I like working outside and being around plants,” I said.  “I believe caring for bees will be fulfilling and somewhat like gardening.”  I noticed a slight twitch in Dr. Ellis’s eyebrows.


I considered bees to be mediums between God and wild flowers, and beekeeping a business involving minimal work or investment.  Bees did the work and nature supplied the raw material, flowers.


My First Summer


My first summer as a beekeeper, I saw my one hive (two deeps and twenty frames) increase from 6,000 bees

arriving in a box no larger than a milk carton, to its current estimate of maybe 60,000 bees.  Healthy and productive hives build up their populations to around 70,000 bees by mid-summer and the time of the honey flow.


During the honey flow, when the most flowers are producing the most nectar, the bees gather nectar, and make honey.


Beekeeping for Dummies


I visited the hive nearly weekly, pried apart the frames and viewed the young bees cleaning comb, feeding larvae, and  capping cells of honey and pollen.  I compared my observations with advice written in beekeeping journals and books like Beekeeping for Dummies.

My friend, Larry Slack, a commercial beekeeper who managed over 2,000 hives in the Platte River valley advised checking the hive during the hottest, brightest part of the day since the worker bees will be in the alfalfa fields and the only bees in the hive are the nurse bees and baby bees.   Larry said,  “Young bees don’t defend the hive like worker bees.”


I was eager for the harvest and the first taste of honey from the hive.


 “Oh, Well,” I said.

On August 1, 2004, a hot Sunday afternoon, I decided to drive to the apiary and harvest the honey.  I was sure it would be ready.  It was a happy prospect even though the afternoon had melted away, and the sun’s rays slanted in the late summer sky.  “Oh, well,” I reasoned.  “The day is hot, and the sun still bright.”  Ignoring Larry’s advice, I figured the powerful worker bees would be in the field working late because the sun was lingering long in the western sky.


I might have died that day!


When I arrive at the apiary, it is nearly 5:30 p.m.  Clusters of bees are flying in and out of the hive.  I park parallel to the hive, shred pieces of burlap into the smoker, fire up the smoker, don white coveralls, and exchange sandals for socks and canvas shoes.  I set the bee veil over my wide brimmed hat, lace it through the loop on the front of my bee suit, tie the strings securely around my waist, and bend own to fasten a strap around my pants legs.  I feel secure as I approach the hive and lift the top cover.


Bees churn out of the honey super, and a high-pitched  scream reverberates over my head.  With my hive tool, I pry a frame up and hold it to the sky.  Yes!  I see white wax indicating freshly capped cells of honey.  The honey is finished and ready to harvest.


Now, how do I remove the bees?  I want them off the honey frames.  I grab my bee brush, a brush with soft fine bristles.  I begin sweeping the bees off the frame, and work slowly and carefully to avoid injuring these fine productive bees.


I feel the tapping feet of a bee crawling across my nose.


I’m holding the second frame in my hands  when I feel the tapping feet of a bee crawling across my nose.  Alert to signs of trouble, I lay the frame and the brush on the hive.  Then I feel masses of bees crawling on my face and neck.   I rip off the head gear to clear the bees off my face.  A thousand bees descend on my head and twist like corkscrews into my hair.  I rip my fingers through my hair pulling out bees and throwing them into the air.  Attackers swoop and dive and brilliant flashes of pain inform me that my neck is the battleground.  I back up and turn to run the fifty yards between the county  road and the beehive. 


I am retreating with a cloud of suicide bombers attacking my head and neck.  When my feet hit the gravel road, the bees claim victory and turn back to the hive.  I rake my hair again and again trying to extricate the buzzing swarm still caught in the strands.


Thinking only of escape, I need to return to the hive to get to my car.  A cloud of bees still swirls above the hive.  Cautiously, I walk toward the car, and before 25 yards, the bees see me approach and attack again.  I scramble back to the road and uncertain safety. 


I am feeling frantic now, near panic.  My lungs are pumping, my heart’s throbbing, and my neck is swelling from the venomous stings.  I am in enemy territory, far from human habitation, and the bees are blocking my route to safety.  To escape, I must reclaim my car.


Slowly and methodically, I close the 2 snaps below the collar of the bee suit,  place the veil over my head and lace it under the collar.  I pump the bellows of the smoker until thick smoke pours out of the nozzle.  Nearing the hive, a cloud of bees rises into the air, assaulting my ears with an orchestrated scream like hundreds of angry clarinets, and they descend to fight again.  I pump smoke at them, but to no avail. 


As I approach the car, clusters of bees swirl around the driver’s door and follow me overhead to the passenger door.  Pumping all the while on the bellows of the smoker, I smoke the door, open it and throw myself into the car, jerking the door closed,  and I breathe.


Oh, No!  I notice the open hive!


I can see the bees boiling out of the hive, and I can hear their angry whine through closed windows.  I wonder why they aren’t settling down and getting back to their work program as they were supposed to do.  Sweat trickles down my bleeding and swelling neck as I notice the open  hive. 


They cannot protect their exposed hive from robber bees, marauding skunks, cold or rain.  I need to close up the hive. 


I reassemble my gear and with special care, quietly slip out the passenger door of the car.  I reignite the smoker and pick up the frames of honey to return them and close the hive.  I accomplish my task and take off running again to the road with a battalion of bees chasing me. 


As I run, I can feel my neck swelling, and a frightening thought occurs that an allergic reaction may be happening.  I need to get back to Holdrege,  fast.  I return to the car, the bees close ranks around the driver’s door, and a swarm of screaming bees follows me around to the passenger side.  I smoke the car door and the handle and crack the door only wide enough for me to slip in again.


I swallow a Benadryl


Fifty yards down the county road, I stop the car, dump the smoldering burlap out of the smoker, swallow a Benadryl that I keep among the bee supplies, take off the coveralls and bee veil, and pack them in the trunk.  Thirty more miles, I think.  Thirty more miles to home.


I sustained  hundreds of stings.  I couldn’t count them.  I felt chilly and sweaty, hot and cold.  When I arrived home, I swallowed another Benadryl, drank a quart of water, vomited into the toilet, and stumbled into bed where I slept and woke and slept again for 48 hours.

Arrogance led to carelessness


Two days later, when I felt well enough to get out of bed, I called my friend Larry, the commercial beekeeper.  I swallowed a huge dose of humility and told him about the catastrophe.  There was a pause and a sympathetic, “Oh, my.”  Then he said, “Never dig into bees in late afternoon because the field bees are home!” I had heard this advice  before.


Weeks later when my neck felt normal and the scabs had healed, I pondered the messages and lessons of this near death experience.  Why did I disregard the advice of an experienced beekeeper?  I concluded that my arrogance led to carelessness, and my brash behavior harmed the bees and certainly me.


Wendell Berry, farmer/philosopher/poet writes in his book, What Are People For, “We forget that….. nature includes us, and we are in it and part of it while we use it.”


With Mother Nature’s fury vividly imprinted in my mind and body, I will remember forever the time when I disregarded her and her rule to respect her wild things.  Ouch!


Summer 2019 Update:  In 2007 I replaced the Italian queens with Carnolian queens, a gentler breed, I think, and most important, I purchased a one piece bee suit in which the veil zips onto the coveralls.

I feel invincible.  Oh my, arrogance resurfaces, and I am doomed.

With the advice and sometimes assistance of George Bunnell, a commercial beekeeper in Oxford, NE, an apiary of 6 hives produce upwards of 200 lbs. wildflower honey per season.






Spring Green Crunch



Spicy Beer Mustard Vinaigrette

Spicy Beer Mustard Dressing and Spring Garden Crunch

Fresh, nourishing, light, crunchy with a savory flavor
Course Main Course
Cuisine American
Servings 4

What You'll Need:

  • 4 cups lettuce, kale, Swiss Chard, parsley, mint, basil
  • 1 cup cherry tomatoes or early tomatoes sliced cut in half
  • 6 spring green onions sliced thinly
  • 6 radishes shaved (sliced thin, thin)
  • handful chives and/or dill mince chives and leave dill whole
  • 8 sugar snap peas chopped
  • 6 Persian cucumbers or small cucumbers or 1 English cucumber cut in chunks
  • 4 hard boiled eggs (optional) cut in half

SPICY BEER MUSTARD - Vinaigrette Dressing

  • ¼ cup Spicy Beer Mustard
  • ¼ cup Balsamic Vinegar
  • ¼ cup Soy Sauce
  • ¾ cup olive oil
  • pinch salt or to taste

How To Prepare:

Constructing the Salad

  • Tear greens into bite-sized pieces and also massage the Kale before tearing. Slice the remaining garden vegetables, peel the eggs and slice in half
    Choose a platter and arrange the vegetables and eggs by the row on the platter
    Cover and chill in refrigerator and may be prepared several hours prior to serving

Spicy Beer Mustard Vinaigrette

  • Delightfully simple instructions: select a 2 cup bowl or jar, mix Spicy Beer Mustard, Balsamic Vinegar, Soy Sauce, pinch of salt and stir with a wire whip or shake the jar to mix then drizzle the olive oil into the mixture stirring the bowl or shaking the jar until an emulsion forms. The dressing will be thick enough to coat a spoon. Taste and season as you like.

Serving the crunchy Green Salad

  • Serve in the platter with tongs so that guests may help themselves to the level of crunch desirable. Pass the Spicy Beer Mustard Vinaigrette. See the smiles when the flavor touches tongue!


Garden Chives

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What’s the point of cooking?

I grew up with a storybook, stay-at-home  mom., and to our family’s pleasure, mother’s  cooking and entertaining skills ascended to the level of an art form and definitely were her passion.

She planned and prepared 4-course dinners including handmade pastries and breads. Years later, guests at her table recall an elegant and delightful experience featuring delicious foods with eye-popping appeal.

Planning and setting a table with linens and sterling silver and bone China brought her joy.

Christmas 2015 and thank you Scott Rager for the photo

She studied Gourmet magazine from first page to last, and she practiced a recipe in Gourmet until  the outcome matched the glorious food photos in the magazine.

I thought my life would follow in-step with mother’s until reality slammed my illusions.  I own a business, and true to all of you, I’m trying to shuffle a hundred things – business, fitness,  friends, family, food, fun and home.

Although like my mother, I  treasure moments  sharing good food with friends and neighbors and family,  and I appreciate fresh ingredients that look and taste marvelous.   I do  invite friends for appetizers, a wine or a glass of beer, a brunch, a one-pan dinner, a barbecue.

Grilled Spicy Beer Mustard and Orange Pork Chop

How do I tweak the time? Taking silver and linen out of the entertaining equation adds time for informal celebrations.

Adding Spicy Beer Mustard into the entertaining equation, elevates the food from ordinary to spectacular, simplifies prep. time and lifts my feelings from hectic to happy.

The whole point of cooking is to transform an ingredient into a better, more delicious version of itself. (Carla Lalli,

Transform a pork chop from common to memorable with the addition of a Spicy Beer Mustard and orange marinade.   Thank you, Kim Kushner and for the concept.

Grilled Spicy Beer Mustard and Orange Pork Chop


4 thick cut pork chops (1 ½ inches thick)

1 orange cut  in half

2 Tb. Spicy Beer Mustard

2 Tb. Balsamic vinegar

1 ½ Tb. extra-virgin olive oil

1 tsp. kosher salt

½ tsp. ground black pepper


Squeeze the orange juice into a medium glass jar.  Pull out some of the juicy flesh from inside the orange and add to the jar.

Add mustard, vinegar, oil and seasonings.   Close the lid and shake until well combined.

Place the pork chops into a large lock-top plastic bag (2 chops per bag).  Divide the marinade equally and pour over the chops.  Seal the bags closed and swish the chops around in the bag to coat them with the marinade.

Marinadt in the refrigerator for 2 hours or ideally overnight and up to 48 hours.

Grilling Instruction

Attention, please. I like this recipe and through experience I recommend us to follow the instructions with care to achieve a  juicy, tender with melt-in-your mouth chop.

  • Get out your meat thermometer.
  • Heat a grill pan, a black iron skillet, or the charcoal/gas grill to white hot heat.
  • Preheat the oven in your kitchen to 425 Degrees F
  • Grill the pork chops, turning once for 4 minutes per side.  The grilling caramelizes sugars in the orange juice and honey in the Spicy Beer Mustard and deep brown and beautiful grill marks emerge.
  • Pour the remaining marinade into a shallow  baking dish that fits the chops.  Place the chops in the marinade and if serving right away, cover with foil and bake in the oven to  145 Degrees.  We are talking only minutes (maybe 3) in the oven.
  • Take the chops out of the oven at 145 Degrees internal temperature and allow to rest for 10 minutes or more.

Important:  for moist and succulent chops, do not over cook.

Options: The Grilled Pork Chop recipe offers flexible times for grilling and serving.

The pork chops in the marinade may be frozen for a month before thawed and grilled.

The chops may be covered and refrigerated in the marinade for several days before grilling

The chops may be grilled and then set aside in the refrigerator and finished in the oven later in the day or the next day.

Human-kind is united by love for appetizing food.

(The Tassajara Recipe Book, Edward Espe Brown)

We care about ingredients–all food!