Don Brockmeier, Photographer discovered a fox den near Eustis in early spring, and he returned time and again, waiting for mama fox to show herself and her kits.
Mama fox moved her family soon after the kits emerged from den #1.
Don, with help from a friend who farms nearby the first den found the family again and waited for the exact moment to shoot the amazing photo of mother and youngster at play.
How do I connect foxes with Buzz Savories theme for May – Spectacular Sandwiches?
Covid19 generates worries by the bushel, and seeing the playful foxes in Brockmeier’s photos lifts the thoughts that drag me down, and a Nebraska wind takes them wherever the wind blows.
Buzz Savories is celebrating super-delicious sandwiches in May. I am getting outside to breath the spring air and listen to the bird song, walk in the park or venture on a wilderness trail. Pack a lunch, take a picnic. Invite a friend, keep a social distance.
See two of my favorite sandwiches in the recipes that follow: Fresh Salmon Burger and Polish Dog with Spicy Beer Mustard and Dill Pickle Relish. I appreciate low-lift and flavor-rich food. I thank The Splendid Table http://Https://splendidtable.org for the splendid Salmon Burger recipe. I make and serve these Salmon Burgers often because I like the fresh flavor, and the recipe comes together quickly, and may be served warm or cold.
Check out Nebraskaland magazine http://www.magazine.outdoornebraska.gov the National Bluebird Society http://www.nabluebirdsociety.organd Nebraska Life magazine http://www.nebraskalife.com to see more photos by photographer, Don Brockmeier.
Salmon Burgers
fresh flavor, easy to pack and eat warm or cold
What You'll Need:
- 1 ½ lb. skinless salmon fillets cut into chunks and patted dry. remove skin by sliding a fillet knife between flesh and skin and siggle it slowly to separate the skin from the salmon flesh
- ½ cup plain Greek yogurt
- ½ cup finely chooped scallions (white and light green parts only)
- ½ cup fresh dill, finely chopped if dill unavailable substitute parsley
- 3 Tb. Spicy Beer Mustard
- 1 Tb. capers, drained and patted dry and coarsely chopped
- 1 cup toppings: thinly sliced red and green pepper, avocado, tomato, tartar sauce
How To Prepare:
- Put the salmon in a food processor and pulse about 6 times, just until it is finely chopped. Stop before you have a paste! Can chop with a French Chef's knife.
- Put the yogurt, scallions, dill, mustard and the capers into a large bowl and stir to blend.
- Finely grate the zest of the lemon into the bowl.
- Stir in the salmon, gently
- Season with salt
- Taste for flavor and maybe squeeze some lemon juice into the mix.
- Cover the bowl, pressing the plastic wrap or wax paper against the surface of the mix, and refrigerate for at least 2 hours ( the burger mix may be refrigerated for up to 8 hours.)
- To make the burgers, divide the salmon into 6 portions and shape each one into a patty. Lightly coat a grill pan or skillet with a small amount of oil or spray and place it over medium-high heat. Cook the burgers in two batches, don't crowd the pan for about 2 minutes on each side - you want to crisp the exterior and just warm the insides.
- Wrap the salmon sandwich with double aluminum foil, pack in an insulated cooler or serve at room temperature or chilled. This salmon burger tastes great either warm or chilled. Serve with the toppings you like,
Carroll Novicki, a Columbus, Nebraska resident with a proud Polish heritage introduced me to the traditional Polish Dog, and he invented the Spicy Beer Mustard and Dill Relish condiment to accompany the Polish Sausage and the sauerkraut. Sauerkraut and Polish sausage belong together while the Spicy Beer Mustard and Dill Pickle relish accentuate the flavor of the composition. Make it! Taste it!
Buy the bun of your choice. I composed this Polish with a nontraditional French baguette because in “these times,” I don’t often find the fresh Hoagie Bun for a Polish Sausage sandwich. I also like the crunchy crust of the baguette, fresh from a hot oven.
Polish Dog
Easy and simple and juicy and full-of-flavor sandwich
What You'll Need:
- 6 Polish Sausages
- 3 French baguettes or your favorite bun
- 1 jar sauerkraut
- ½ cup Spicy Beer Mustard
- ½ cup dill pickle relish
How To Prepare:
- Grill or pan roast the Polish sausages until the juices run when pricked with a fork. Show grill marks on the sausages
- Bake the baguette according to package directions, cut in appropriate lengths for the size of the Polish and them split in half
- Mix the mustard and dill pickle relish
- Drain the sauerkraut and press out excessive sauerkraut juice
- spread the mustard dill pickle on one half of the baguette or bun and layer the sauerkraut on the remaining half
- place the Polish in between and wrap your hands around the bun and eat! and smile in contentment